Your View: Libraries

Central LibraryCentral Library
Central Library
'This isn't just to do with austerity'

Frankie Farfield

Bawtry Road, Tinsley

In Martin Vaughan's letter "Fall of public libraries", (Star, September 26), he states that the library in Stannington is turning into a "combined volunteer-run coffee and bookshop". 

It is so wrong that libraries have been denigrated in the way they have in Sheffield in recent years. And this isn't just to do with austerity. It would not cost anything for the city's Labour MPs & councillors to be lobbying central government to reinstate library standards in England or prioritise funding for libraries over vanity projects of no value like the tour de France or visits to China to visit a man who wanted to turn our central library into a hotel. Sheffield's trade unions, MPs and councillors should be shouting from the rooftops about the denigration of library services in Sheffield and across the UK.