We've lost our identity

What has happened to our vibrant town of Barnsley?

During the Christmas period it looked like a dump, no Christmas lights or focal point, just two lonely trees in front of the town hall, pathetic.

This is an utter disgrace and the Labour council and its leader are 100 per cent to blame, they should hang their heads in shame.

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Since this leader has been in charge we have lost our identity and individuality and the best market in Yorkshire – no large stores, not even a Co-op. Listed buidings have been demolished and car parks put up as in the case of Holgate School.

Here is how money was wasted:-

That stupid marble plinth outside M&S has been built and demolished, costing over £300,000.

Also a ridiculous clock that no one can read and is now broken, another £40,000.

Our beautiful cobbled areas should have been highlighted and extended as a feature, as in York.

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Our busy and varied market brought people from all over Yorkshire and further afield.

Also, why so many sites for Barnsley College? We are the bottom of the table.

Why does the public not see this and protest?

This Labour council and its leader are a disgrace and should be ashamed.

Sir Steve Houghton is paid well for runninga small place like Barnsley. How dare he now want to be a mayor and run an even larger area?

Also, why are the public never consulted until after decisions are made?

Wetherspoons have done more for the working class than this Barnsley Council ever could.

B Shaw

Sheffield Road, Barnsley