The Council's six new Ds

Rustlings RoadRustlings Road
Rustlings Road
It's become apparent that Sheffield Council have adopted a new set of six Ds to deal with highway trees and they've certainly Displayed them on Rustlings Road.







I’m sure other readers can think of alternative ‘D’ that fit the council’s actions... I can think of Disproprtionate, Divisive, Dictatorship... I can think of one ‘UnD’ - UnDemocratic. If the council wanted to put Sheffield in the national spotlight it certainly succeeded. To quote from the Peter Barkham’s article entitled “Is this a war on trees?” about Sheffield’s trees in The Guardian of November 22, 2016, “There is something rotten in Sheffield and it’s not the 36,000 mature street trees”.I and many others would agree.

RJB, SORT Supporter