Letter: Yellow lines do nothing

A letter this week about traffic calming on Walton Road.A letter this week about traffic calming on Walton Road.
A letter this week about traffic calming on Walton Road.
I see Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal doesn’t think Walton Road needs traffic calming.

If Councillor Athwal were to come and see for himself the speeding traffic, smell the fumes, and hear the noise, he might change his mind.

I assume not enough people have been killed or injured by speeding motorists yet to qualify for traffic calming.

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An alternative to traffic calming might be the enforcement of the 30mph speed limit.

A pelican crossing halfway up the road would enable people to cross the road safely and might slow down the traffic.

The latest nonsense on and around Walton Road is painting double yellow lines all over the place.

As motorists know, two yellow lines doesn’t mean no parking, it seems to mean park your car on the pavement!

Mick Portman


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