No compensation claims made against Chapel Walk scaffolding

Scaffolding on Chapel Walk in Sheffield city centre. Picture Scott MerryleesScaffolding on Chapel Walk in Sheffield city centre. Picture Scott Merrylees
Scaffolding on Chapel Walk in Sheffield city centre. Picture Scott Merrylees
No claims have been made against the group responsible for the scaffolding on Chapel Walk.

It was revealed at a full Sheffield City Council meeting when Green Party councillor Martin Smith asked if Sheffield BID had made a compensation claim, following complaints from businesses that the work was losing them trade.

Coun Mazher Iqbal replied: “There has been no claim made against Coyne Group.”

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Scaffolding on Chapel Walk in Sheffield city centre. Picture Scott MerryleesScaffolding on Chapel Walk in Sheffield city centre. Picture Scott Merrylees
Scaffolding on Chapel Walk in Sheffield city centre. Picture Scott Merrylees

It follows a public apology by the Fargate Evolve Developments Limited.

In a statement Mark Mitchell, the managing director of the company, said: “We would like to sincerely apologise for the disruption that the development on Chapel Walk has caused.

“Delays caused by asbestos and other costs beyond our control has necessitated a financial restructuring of the project which we are trying to complete in the very near future.

“Our current plan is to get the scaffold down early in the new year with a push to get the Chapel Walk scaffold down as soon as possible once the building has been made fully watertight.”

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Chapel Walk has been masked with scaffolding since September 2017 as work a £4.6 million scheme to build apartments has continued at a snail’s pace.

Traders have become increasingly frustrated, with many reporting a huge drop in their takings since the development began.

Coun Iqbal said it was “unacceptable” how long it had been up for.

He added that they expect the scaffolding to be down in February 2020 with a possibility of the Chapel Walk elements being temporarily taken down for Christmas.