Look at what is best for city not developers

The Great Wall of China.The Great Wall of China.
The Great Wall of China.
Nancy Fielder spelt out what she saw as her vision for the development of Sheffield and asked her readers to suggest theirs.

Like Nancy it would be lovely to see both the City Centre and Moor finished as it should have been some years ago. The Great Wall of China was completed quicker.

Planning does seem to be a major problem all over Sheffield, each edition of The Star bringing a report of a re-submission for plans already passed and the reasons always given is the need for more housing.

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In every case the extra housing isn’t necessary but building more puts more profits in the developers’ pockets.

In the last two weeks we have seen reports of massive profits for the developers and huge bonuses for the directors.

This is all at mine and yours expense.

Look at the Baldwin’s Omega site. There’s poor access to the site so only a small number of houses should be built and no higher than the existing Omega building, but that’s not stopping the developers re-submitting and adding flats into the mix.

Greaves Lane site in Stannington. Again more houses have been added on along the way, the old Dyson’s site and most recently the old Stannington cricket pitch.

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There are insufficient school places in Stannington already along with traffic being a major problem down the narrow Stannington Road, getting worse as it joins Holme Lane and then through Hillsborough Corner.

There are also outline plans for further houses off Stannington Road and in the Loxley Valley.

All the way along the Oughtibridge, Deepcar and Stocksbridge Valleys there have been attempts made to increase the numbers of dwellings to be built.

The now infamous pair of Dormouse semis to be built on Beechwood Road, no gardens, no off-street parking, no access from the front to the back of the properties.

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The residents have campaigned loudly and got nowhere because again the developers said that more homes are required.

Deveopers say they will build schools, medical centres and widen roads etc, but none of these things ever materialise.

Our planners must look to what is best for Sheffield and its residents, not the developers.

Our infrastructure must come before new major developments, otherwise the traffic gets slower, pollution increases and health deteriorates.

S Thompson

by email

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