Get cooking at work

"Lets get cooking day" held at WIndmill city farm, Bristol by The children's Food Trust."Lets get cooking day" held at WIndmill city farm, Bristol by The children's Food Trust.
"Lets get cooking day" held at WIndmill city farm, Bristol by The children's Food Trust.
Businesses in Sheffield are being urged to get cooking this year - in an effort to help their staff to eat better during the working day.

Let’s Get Cooking At Work, the community interest company of the Children’s Food Trust, is calling on firms in the city to help their workers eat more healthily by running cooking sessions to share recipes and ideas.

Research has shown that staff who eat healthily are less likely to suffer from ill health, have fewer sick days and are generally more productive, efficient and alert at work.

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Let’s Get Cooking at Work is inviting businesses to join them at their Sheffield office in the cathedral quarter today, for a special lunchtime cooking session. Employers will get to cook along and enjoy a meal, whilst getting a taste for ways to implement a similar health and wellbeing strategy in their own workplace.

Maggie Sims, from Let’s Get Cooking, said: “Cooking at work is fantastic fun for staff and a great way to team build, with the added bonus of giving your team inspiration and skills which they can use way beyond work to improve their health. Afterall, healthier staff means healthier businesses!”

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