Sheffield mobile speed camera locations in May: Lowedges, Ecclesfield, Oughtibridge, Crosspool

Police vehicles will be on these busy routes this month with cameras trained on passing cars

Here are 24 locations for mobile speed cameras to be used on ‘A’ roads in Sheffield in May.

South Yorkshire Police have published a list of ‘A’ roads in Sheffield where they may set up speed cameras this month. 

If you’re caught, within 14 days you’ll be sent a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) and a section 172 notice, according to You must return the Section 172 notice within 28 days, telling the police who was driving the car. Then you’ll be sent either a Fixed Penalty Notice or a letter telling you to go to court.

Gov.UK also states if you get an FPN and plead guilty you’ll have pay a £100 fine and have three points added to your licence, unless you’re given the option to attend a speed awareness course.

Nine people died on South Yorkshire roads in the first five weeks of this year, police say. In 2021, 696 people were killed or seriously injured, according to South Yorkshire Safety Cameras.