Behind Post Office Faces

A group of employees of Sheffield's old post officeA group of employees of Sheffield's old post office
A group of employees of Sheffield's old post office
The history of the old Sheffield post office will be revealed, as part of a new local social history project.

Post Office Faces will tell the stories of the people who worked in the head post office - an Edwardian-era grade II listed building that still stands on Fitzalan Square today.

Former employees of the post office, now Sheffield Hallam’s Institute of the Arts, are being asked to share their memories for the exhibition, which will take place later this year, as part of Sheffield’s ‘Year of Making’ festival.

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People who worked behind the counter, in the telegram and telephone exchanges, sorting offices and management, are all encouraged to send a postcard with their name, contact details and a memory of working at the building.

Organiser Laurie Harvey said: “In its heyday in the 1930s, every letter sent to a Sheffield postcode would come to the head post office to be sorted. It was also the place where telegrams were delivered during the two world wars and beyond. In its later days, millions of people passed through its doors to pick up postcards, stamps and packages.

“People fell in love behind the counter. And even now, the camaraderie of people who used to work in the building is tremendous. By connecting the building with its past, we hope to capture the energy of this remarkable building.

‘The Year of Making’ is a £1.5 million festival - led by the Sheffield Culture Consortium and Sheffield University - celebrating what Sheffield does best and will feature a city-wide programme of exhibitions, theatre, heritage trails and concerts.

Send your postcard to Post Office Faces, Sheffield Institute of Arts, Pond Street, Sheffield, s1 2AY.