These are all the world leaders and politicians who have tested positive for coronavirus

These are all the world leaders and politicians who have tested positive for coronavirus (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)These are all the world leaders and politicians who have tested positive for coronavirus (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
These are all the world leaders and politicians who have tested positive for coronavirus (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Just days after mocking his Democratic rival for wearing a mask too often during the US Presidential Debate, Donald Trump has tested positive for Covid-19, as has his wife, Melania Trump.

Now officially seven months into the pandemic, the novel coronavirus has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and infected millions of people worldwide.

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Though the overall impact of the pandemic has been felt unevenly, as Donald Trump’s diagnosis shows, the world’s rich and powerful have not been immune.

Which other world leaders have had Coronavirus?

Back in March, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested positive for the virus and was admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital in London.

His condition deteriorated relatively quickly, leading to the PM spending three nights in intensive care, with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab briefed to take up his duties while he was out of action.

After being tested a number of times following many suspected interactions with people who later found they had the virus, Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro tested positive in July.

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Earlier in the year, he had been quoted as saying he wasn’t concerned about falling ill, as he has an “athlete’s background”. He spent several weeks self-isolating, which he left after testing negative, and has since recovered.

A number of parallels have been drawn between the three most high profile world leaders to contract the disease and their relatively laidback attitude toward coronavirus, particularly during the early stages of the outbreak.

Boris Johnson had been criticised for seeming to play down the threat of the virus a few weeks before his diagnosis, when he said he had shaken hands with “everybody” he had met while visiting a hospital treating coronavirus patients.

Donald Trump has courted controversy throughout the pandemic by going ahead with mass rallies, despite social distancing guidelines, playing down the threat of the virus, and even appearing to suggest bizzare home remedies.

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