WATCH: US TV station's gaffe as picture of Doncaster MP Ed Miliband blowing nose used as stock pic to illustrate report on 'flu outbreak

The photo of Ed Miliband used to report on flu in America.The photo of Ed Miliband used to report on flu in America.
The photo of Ed Miliband used to report on flu in America.
This is the moment a US television station used a photo of Doncaster MP Ed Miliband blowing his nose as a stock image to illustrate a report about 'flu.

NBC Nightly News, America's biggest nightly news programme, seemed to be unaware of Mr Miliband's recent past as leader of the Labour Party when it used the picture of him sneezing into a tissue to illustrate a report warning Americans to be on their guard against the bug this winter.

The clip, by reporter Gadi Schwartz, begins with the picture of Doncaster North MP Mr Miliband.

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Introducing the segment, the presenter told viewers: “Flu season has arrived and there are fresh concerns tonight many school districts are seeing an uptick, there are concerns not enough people are getting flu shots.”

A picture of the former Labour leader flashed up on screen as the warning was issued.

The original photograph is a Getty image taken during the 2011 Labour Party conference in Liverpool.

NBC Nightly News is watched by nearly 10 million people per night.

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Twitter users were quick to point out the error on Sunday's show and one user, Jack Matthews, wrote: "@GadiNBC @BlakeNBC Can't believe Ed Miliband, former Leader of Opposition in the UK, has been reduced to stock photo! Harsh."