Shiregroup Community Committee formed to enhance area

Members of the newly-formed Shiregreen Community Committee at their first meeting.Members of the newly-formed Shiregreen Community Committee at their first meeting.
Members of the newly-formed Shiregreen Community Committee at their first meeting.
A brand new committee aimed at creating and improving services in Shiregreen has met for the first time to mark Community Centre Week.

Staff from the Sanctuary Housing social landlord group organised the inaugural meeting of the Shiregreen Community Committee, where group members talked about the area and how it could be celebrated and enhanced.

It was held to coincide with Community Centre Week from July 19 to 25 - aimed at commemorating the value of community centres - and took place at Shiregreen Neighbourhood Centre.

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Top of the agenda was the newly appointed members having the chance to get to know each other and sharing their experiences of Shiregreen. The group also discussed their aspirations for the future of the area and how to address any issues that are important to the community.

Richard Wilson, a member of the committee, said: “I am delighted to be a part of Shiregreen’s new community committee.

“Shiregreen is already a great place to live and work but, as with neighbourhoods all over the country, there are always things that can be enhanced and I am looking forward to seeing what we can do.”

Menalne King, Sanctuary’s neighbourhood partnerships manager, said: “Community Centre Week 2016 gave us the ideal opportunity to organise the first meeting of the Shiregreen Community Committee in a venue that’s so important to local residents.

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“With ongoing support from Sanctuary, the committee is dedicated to achieving great things for the benefit of local people.”

This latest move comes just weeks after a new floral commemoration was placed in Shiregreen to celebrate 10 years since the start of a multi-million pound scheme to improve the area.

Over the last decade Sanctuary’s £100 million regeneration has resulted in the refurbishment of 2, 500 homes, the introduction of the Streetscene project aimed at improving the area’s scenery and five years of the Shiregreen Community Awards.

To mark this decade of success, a floral ‘ten’ was planted at the corner of Beck Road and Bellhouse Road, designed to enhance the green area.

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Colleen Eccles, Sanctuary’s director of neighbourhoods, said: “The tenth year of regeneration is a special time, and over the past decade we have worked hard to support the development of a successful and sustainable community in Shiregreen.

“We hope that local residents enjoy their eye-catching new floral display, which echoes the incidental green spaces that included Victorian planting and English rose gardens that Shiregreen was known for when it was built.”