Sheffield Tigers: Lasse Bjerre signs up for more with champions

Lasse BjerreLasse Bjerre
Lasse Bjerre
Lasse Bjerre, one of Sheffield's title winning stars, is on his way back to Owlerton next year.

Danish ace Bjerre was a big success in his first season with the club and his return is no surprise as Tigers step up their team building plans.

Speaking from his home in Denmark, Bjerre said: “This just feels right for me to be honest.

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“I’ve always been keen to come back to Sheffield and it’s a relief for me to get sorted so soon.

“Everything about the club is good. I like the track, the fans are great and the management are the best I’ve dealt with in my time in speedway.

“It was a dream come true for me to win the title in my first season. We were the best team all season and finished the job in the play-offs, I’m so pleased.

“It was only right that we won the title after the season we had and now we’ve got to try and do it all again. I’m looking forward to it.”

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Bjerre is also on the road to full fitness after some frustrating knocks last season.

“I had an issue with my knee and one or two other niggles which were frustrating me,” he said.

“But I’ve just come back from the gym now and I’m feeling good. I’m working hard all through the winter to ensure I’m in peak physical condition for next season.

“I’m also still hoping to get the chance to sign for a Premiership club and I know I can do a job at that level.

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“I know they are only riding on Mondays and Wednesdays next season at that level and I have some Danish fixtures on a Wednesday but not many and I’m sure we can work around them. I’m waiting for the phone to ring!”