Retro: British joy of pantomine season never out of fashion

Lyceum Theatre Babes in the Wood 21st December 1995 to 28th January 1996Lyceum Theatre Babes in the Wood 21st December 1995 to 28th January 1996
Lyceum Theatre Babes in the Wood 21st December 1995 to 28th January 1996
Generations of Sheffielders have enjoyed a giggle and a groan at the city's show-stopping pantomines over the decades.

While the world, and technology, has moved on beyond anybody’s expectations, the annual trip out for a family pantomine has remained a popular tradition for young and old around this time of year - oh yes it surely has.

Pantomine has a long theatrical history and is said to date back to the middle ages.

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RETRO Panto at sheffield Lyceum Prince Valiant serenades red riding hood December 1955RETRO Panto at sheffield Lyceum Prince Valiant serenades red riding hood December 1955
RETRO Panto at sheffield Lyceum Prince Valiant serenades red riding hood December 1955

According to writer and caricaturist Max Beerbohm, it is the only art form ever invented in England.

It has become as quintessentially British as a cup of tea.

Many of the stories told remain the same - albeit with a modern twist.

Nowadays it is common for minor celebrities to take a role- and this year The Lyceum’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves features Wendi Peters from Coronation Street and Phil Gallagher, who keeps a somewhat younger audience enraptured on television show CBeebies.

RETRO Panto at Sheffield Lyceum Goldilocks and the three bears Dec 1958
Dame Peter Butterworth with Karen Greer, Janet Mayne , ronnie Carroll and Doreen Lang with Stanley Massey.RETRO Panto at Sheffield Lyceum Goldilocks and the three bears Dec 1958
Dame Peter Butterworth with Karen Greer, Janet Mayne , ronnie Carroll and Doreen Lang with Stanley Massey.
RETRO Panto at Sheffield Lyceum Goldilocks and the three bears Dec 1958 Dame Peter Butterworth with Karen Greer, Janet Mayne , ronnie Carroll and Doreen Lang with Stanley Massey.

In the oldest of these pictures from the Star archives, to the immediate right, Prince Valient is serenading Little Red Riding Hood in a production staged at the Lyceum in Decmeber 1955.

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Aladdin, Dick Whittington and Goldilocks are also pictured here, and remain popular. There’s still time to catch a Sheffield pantomime this weekend.

Snow White finishes tomorrow, Sunday, January 8, and Sheffield City Hall is staging Jack and the Beanstalk by Manor Operatic Society until January 8. For Snow White tickets visit Sheffield Theatres and for Jack tickets visit Manor Operatic Society or call 01709 365108.

Some community pantos in Sheffield are also held later in the year.