Letter: The birdsong that wasn’t!

Morrisons, Hillsborough. Picture: Andrew RoeMorrisons, Hillsborough. Picture: Andrew Roe
Morrisons, Hillsborough. Picture: Andrew Roe
Several evenings a week, I walk the length of one side of the Barracks Square at Hillsborough on my way to visit Morrison’s.

I’m sure the management must know about the leaky drainpipes at one corner of that vast building, though this wasn’t in evidence last night.

As I passed the leaky pipe, I became aware of what sounded like a mass birdsong, but not the usual pigeons, magpies or even blackbirds or seagulls.

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As I neared the store entrance, the answer was there: it wasn’t birdsong at all, but the escalators outside the store were actually working and could be heard from the best part of 200 metres away! It should merely have occurred to those responsible, to apply some lubrication!

But it begs the long-term question: Sainsbury’s ‘Savacentre’ at Meadowhall was said decades ago, to have closed because of the landlords’ high rent – is Morrison’s being overcharged for the services it receives respect of its premises at Hillsborough Barracks?

Is it time to look at the landlords’ accounts?

Simon Rawlins

Foxhill, Sheffield, S6