Doncaster TV motormouth Jeremy Clarkson calls for second referendum on the European Union

Doncaster-born television presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, has penned a column saying he thinks Britain need to have a second referendum on the European Union now everyone is 'equipped with hindsight'.Doncaster-born television presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, has penned a column saying he thinks Britain need to have a second referendum on the European Union now everyone is 'equipped with hindsight'.
Doncaster-born television presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, has penned a column saying he thinks Britain need to have a second referendum on the European Union now everyone is 'equipped with hindsight'.
Doncaster-born television presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, has penned a column saying he thinks Britain needs to have a second referendum on the European Union now everyone is 'equipped with hindsight'.

In a column for The Times, Mr Clarkson says the 'sensible' course of action following last month's Brexit vote would be for Britain to go to the polls once more over the membership of the European Union.

The former Top Gear presenter said: "Today lots of people — me included — are suggesting there should be a second vote on this whole Europe business, but we’re told by people in suits that this is not possible. And when we ask why, they say: “Because you just can’t.”

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"Why not? Where in the constitution does it say we must abide by the result of a plebiscite, no matter how moronic that result might be? It doesn’t say that. It doesn’t say anything in fact because we don’t really have a constitution in Britain. So we can do what happens to be sensible at any given moment. And what is sensible now surely is to hold a vote when everyone is equipped with the most powerful tool in the box: hindsight.

"Of course this would infuriate millions of idiotic north of England coffin-dodgers who are prepared to bankrupt the country simply because they don’t want to live next door to a “darkie”. Many will write angry letters full of capital letters and underlining to their local newspapers. And there will be lots of discontent in various bingo halls, but who cares? They’ll all be dead soon anyway.

"It’s also true to say that a second vote would make us look ridiculous on the world stage. But better to look silly for a short time than to live for ever in a dimly lit, poverty-stricken, festering nest of warts, mud and minority-bashing incidents on the bus home every evening."

He continued: "Yes, 17.4m people voted to leave the EU believing that they’d immediately get their job back from that b****** Latvian at No 24 and that new and exciting trade deals would be done and that the NHS would get £350m a week.

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"Better to look silly for a bit than to live for ever in a festering nest of warts, mud and minority-bashing

"But now they have realised that, actually, all the money we save by not being in the EU will have to be spent policing the camps around London’s St Pancras station that will need to be built to house the million Syrians who’ve been ushered onto a train in Paris. And that the fishing quotas won’t change. And that going abroad on holiday will be too time-consuming at the airport and too expensive. And as a result many are ringing Jeremy Vine to say that if they were given their time again, they’d vote to remain.

"This is the problem. We could soon be in the situation where 80% or 90% of the population is lying in the street, covered in weeping sores, begging for a second referendum, and we won’t be able to have one because a man in a suit says: “You just can’t.”

"It’s such a stupid state of affairs that even my hair is angry. I toss and turn at night, beating the pillow with impotent rage as I think how little humanity would have achieved if it had never been given the opportunity to change its mind. And how my kids are going to live miserable lives because our generation was too stubborn and too frightened of looking silly to say: “Let’s try that again.”

Just under 52 per cent of those who went the polls voted for Britain to leave the European Union during the referendum.