Bicycle poem

One of Sheffield's new dockless bikes in a tree on Hunter's Bar roundabout.One of Sheffield's new dockless bikes in a tree on Hunter's Bar roundabout.
One of Sheffield's new dockless bikes in a tree on Hunter's Bar roundabout.
1,000 Yellow Bicycles in Sheffield

There was a thousand Chinese yellow bicycles in Sheffield to be exact

I heard one was dumped in the canal and I believe that to be a fact

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And it came as no surprise to me, another finished perched up in a tree

Yes there was a thousand yellow bicycles in Sheffield for hire it’s true

But it seems to take no time at all to ‘misplace’ the first two

Were they meant to be some new environmental solution?

To help poor Sheffield’s awful road traffic air pollution?

Well there’s 998 yellow bicycles so far apparently still here

But how many will be left by the end of the New Year?

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Of course, something which could not have been moved so easily

Would have been a solid, pollution-protecting, healthy street tree

And that’s a fact!

(With apologies to Katie Melua and Mike Batt of ‘Nine million bicycles’ fame)



Reader’s corner

Book Flood, what an interesting subject, I did not read Jayne Grayson’s letter but she should be praised for her effort in prompting giving books.

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Each person has a way of expressing themselves and look what good it did. More than1,000 books donated, brilliant.

We have all seen what not learning to read can do but where does it start. I remember Spike who would come to me for help in filling his daily time sheet in at work. There was a man who bought the electrical magazine weekly and he was a radio boffin who had built a system which could reach around the world.

Myself, I was lucky, the youngest of eight, I had my weekly comics never missing one. All kids were comic mad in those days, today you need a cheque book to purchase comics and I cannot walk past a shop without buying a book.

A neighbour openly admitted she could not read but was the most wonderful woman I ever met. Reading is a pleasure, a joy but it does not make you any different from anyone else.



Reading is vital

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Graham says I should keep my nose out if people don’t want their kids to read.

Is he being ironic? Iho wouldn’t want their kids to read and enjoy books? There’s nothing better than reading a book and immersing yourself in the story.

As for celebrities’ kids, all that money on their education, look at Gary Lineker, he was appalled at how bad his sons had done at school, so those kids are no example. As for Uni, it’s not for everyone. No child should think it’s the be all, it’s not, but being able to read is vital in day- to-day living.

Jayne Grayson

by email

Charity shops

I fully agree with the letter published on January 11, by Wendy Watkins.

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I too was in the charity shop that day with my daughter and witnessed them sending many people away.

I frequently visit this shop and on many occasions I’ve seen them refuse donations, even from myself, which I now give to the alcohol charity next door, as they are very grateful.

It’s not just that, I’ve noticed the prices on some items are ridiculously high, I know it’s a charity but sometimes I think it’s stupid the amount someone is pricing up.

Yes I agree, go over the road or next door to the charities that are grateful for your unwanted goods.

Carley Shepherd

by email

Inaccurate reporting

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It is a pity your journalists do not make more effort to be accurate as to the facts in their articles. I noticed two inaccuracies in the Star of Saturday, January 13.

1. In the Weekend supplement, you announce a Family Board Games event at St Thomas Church, Slinn Street. There are two Anglican churches in Crookes. One is St Timothy’s, located on Slinn St, and the other is St Thomas’s, on the main road, Crookes.

2. On page 8, you state that Abbeydale Girls Grammar School became a mixed comprehensive in 1958. I attended the school from 1956-1961, and it was then a girls grammar school, and remained so for some years after I left.

Irene Davy

Mulehouse Rd, S10

Another classic

As someone who tries to do their best for recycling, I must say how much Whitworth’s cartoon about paper water bottles made me laugh. I even heard Toby Foster praise it on his breakfast show! Well done, Whitworth. Another classic.

Alice Broomhead

East Bank Road

Crimean memorial

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Can I mark my coming out of hibernation by supporting Valerie Bayliss regarding that badly treated and historic piece of public art the Crimean War Memorial and commenting on the response by Patrick Hickey.

This issue has been debated previously in the Star but what I believe has not been established is the fate of the decorated capital that Mrs Bayliss is referring to.

This is surely easy enough to establish. Is it with the rest, or not?

Funding is the key issue but so is the interest in the matter by the council.

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Like I have said previously, the site of the Goodwin Fountain is the perfect location.

To suggest that it is placed on Castle Hill is wholly inappropriate.

Ron Clayton


Community care

Community care doesn’t seem important to GPs any more.

It’s also not a factor to community mental health places any more either.

These two points are really sad and upsetting.

To support me in my own house, I’ve got everyone in place to help me.

I have had for many years two drivers and a housekeeper and family at least.

Stephen Newsome


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