Tell us why your child deserves their moment in the spotlight to shine

Time to Shine - Imogen FarahTime to Shine - Imogen Farah
Time to Shine - Imogen Farah | Other 3rd Party
Does your little person deserve a moment to shine?

If the young person – or people – in your life has done something amazing, I’d love to hear from you – whether the achievement is big or small. Perhaps they’ve been named ‘Star of the Week’ at school, or are settling into their new class brilliantly. Maybe they're showing off their charitable side by taking part in a sponsored walk, or baking cookies for a school bake sale. Have they hit a milestone in one of their hobbies? Send their name, age, details of what they’ve done (including their school, if relevant) and a photo to [email protected] and we’ll give them a great big shout-out.