Why has Old Town Hall roof not been repaired?

Aim to preserve old town hall in WaingateAim to preserve old town hall in Waingate
Aim to preserve old town hall in Waingate
Having just received a copy of the latest newsletter from the Friends of the Old Town Hall I note that the Chair of the Friends, Valerie Bayliss, rightly raises the issue of why no action has been taken by Sheffield City Council over urgently required repairs to the roof of the building.

Funding for this was identified by the council as far back as last summer yet no action has been taken while another winter drags on.

There is some internal wrangling within the council as to how this should be carried out and a hint that the key is missing.

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Valerie is a lady with a built-in sympathy for the intense pressures that local government faces as regards resources both in staff and finances and the shortcomings of listed building legislation, but is rightly exasperated by the situation.

Can I suggest that Councillor Julie Dore , as leader of the council, flags this issue up as one regarding ‘action this day’?

It would also help if our Heritage Champion, Coun Ian Saunders takes this up on his inaugural visit to a meeting of the Conservation Advisory Group.

Is this unacceptable situation not one that Joined Up Sheffield Heritage should be speaking out about?

It would be tremendous to write something positive about this long neglected piece of Sheffield Heritage but circumstances don’t allow it.

Ron Clayton, seemingly a voice in the wilderness
