WATCH: Blades boss Chris Wilder accuses Norwich City of 'disrespect' after 1-0 defeat at Bramall Lane

Paul Coutts captained United for the day in Billy Sharp's absencePaul Coutts captained United for the day in Billy Sharp's absence
Paul Coutts captained United for the day in Billy Sharp's absence
Sheffield United manager accused opponents Norwich City of being disrespectful before and during their 1-0 win at Bramall Lane this afternoon.

Wilder felt City, who were late arriving to Bramall Lane and didn't hand in the official teamsheets before the game on time, lacked courtesy towards himself, United and the team of officials.

City were also late out for the second half and Wilder said: "We had to deal with a couple of little issues, a few time-wasting issues. Of course there'll be traffic at 1pm on a Saturday in a city centre, when there'll be 26,000 coming to a game.

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"There was a lot of traffic? Get there earlier then. Get the coach driver to do his job. Do a little bit of homework and set off ten or 15 minutes earlier. There wasn't a crash on the M1, they were up last night, get to the game on time, get the teamsheets on, show everyone there a little bit of respect."