Super mum in super hero run for Sheffield hospital charity

Kim, with baby EdwinKim, with baby Edwin
Kim, with baby Edwin
A super mum who gave birth to her second child using a birthing pool will use a hero themed fundraiser in June to raise cash for a major Sheffield Hospitals Charity appeal and highlight the benefits of a water birth.

Kim Martlew, aged 31, from Mosborough, was overwhelmed by the positive experience she had giving birth to second child Edwin in a birthing pool at the city’s Jessop Wing.

That’s why she made a Mother’s Day pledge to enter the Jessops Superhero event alongside husband Andy and her toddler sons in a bid to help even more women benefit from the soothing properties of water during labour.

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Kim said: “When I look back on my first labour with my eldest son, Jacob, I thought I was prepared. Even though I had taken part in antenatal classes I spent a lot of the birth tense and anxious between contractions, so tired myself out early on. The longer my labour went on the more tired I became and just mentally felt like I couldn’t do it.

“Edwin’s labour was so much different. As my contractions intensified the tens machine was less effective, but as soon as I got in the pool I was amazed at how much the water took the pain away.” Jessops Superheroes (formally Jessops Buggy Push), sponsored by Dutton International, is a 2.5k family walk which takes place on Sunday June 10 at Graves Park at 10.30am. There is a £15 minimum sponsorship for all who take part. Visit email [email protected] or call 0114 226 7351 to register.