Sheffield speedway ace thanks family and fans

Simon Stead is a happy manSimon Stead is a happy man
Simon Stead is a happy man
Simon Stead can't remember anything about the sensational final race when he landed the Premier League Riders' title for a second time last weekend.

Stead went wheel-to-wheel with Australian ace Sam Masters, representing Edinburgh, but managed to get him to secure the championship in front of a big Owlerton crowd.

Stead, Sheffield born and bred, has revealed how the decider went like a flash.

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He said: “I don’t remember much about the final, it’s a bit of a blur! Sam (Masters) made a jet-propelled start but there were plenty of options chasing from behind and I just waited until I thought I could make it stick.

“I managed to get ahead, and in some ways it was easier from behind. You felt quite vulnerable at the front but I managed to hold on and get the win.”

Many experts said it was the toughest line-up for the showpiece event in recent history with a host of international stars and World Cup riders.

“I’m obviously delighted,” said Stead. “It was an extremely tough meeting as I always knew it would be, so to win it is an amazing feeling.

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“I knew I’d need to be at my very best in that calibre of field, and it was just as tough as I was expecting.”

And Stead says it was a big win for Sheffield as a club.

“The promotion put so much hard work in and this is a bit of a reward for them too,” said Stead.

“The crowd were brilliant too, thanks to all the Sheffield fans who got behind me, it meant a lot, special thanks to my family and friends too. My phone has been going mad with messages!”

French ace Dimitri Berge made it a winning weekend for Sheffield by taking victory in the European U21 Final. Both Stead and Berge will be back in action tomorrow when Tigers face Scunthorpe at Owlerton.