Retro pictures: Sheffield lads together on pub fishing trips

A British Oak Fishing Club outingA British Oak Fishing Club outing
A British Oak Fishing Club outing
Retro reader John Askham has sent in some childhood memories of the fishing club at the British Oak pub at Carbrook, Sheffield.

John wrote: “There was a Buffs Lodge (RAOB) at the Oak and I think that most of the photos were taken on match day trips.

“I have identified those names that I know. Maybe readers will be able to put names to some more.

“I remember that I used to go on some of these trips.

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“Maybe if there was a spare place during the fishing match I could dip my own rod (well away from the match anglers).

After the match ,and on the way home, the coach always stopped at some pub for a small? amount of liquid refreshment.

“Of course I was not allowed in the pub. I had to sit in the coach and make do with a bottle of pop and a bag of crisps.

“The upside of this was that all of the men not only had a whip-round for the driver, they also included me.

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“Many times I came home with more than ten bob in my pocket.

“They told me it was for guarding their rods.

My grandparents’ sideboard was never without a fishing trophy of some kind on it.”

We didn’t quite have room for all the photographs, so will try to come back to this subject in future weeks.

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