Relieved Sheffield mum's plea on behalf of hospital charity

Sheffield mum, Ruth Durkin, issues cash not presents plea to thank Sheffield Hospitals Charity staff for her birthday boy son Gabriel's careSheffield mum, Ruth Durkin, issues cash not presents plea to thank Sheffield Hospitals Charity staff for her birthday boy son Gabriel's care
Sheffield mum, Ruth Durkin, issues cash not presents plea to thank Sheffield Hospitals Charity staff for her birthday boy son Gabriel's care
A Sheffield mum has issued a cash not presents plea to thank hospital staff for saving her baby son. Â

Grateful mum Ruth Durkin, aged 32, from Handsworth, has called on family and friends to give donations not presents to Sheffield Hospitals Charity when her son turns one at the end of November.

Gabriel was rushed into intensive care just three minutes into his young life. And the brave baby spent more than a month in intensive care at the city's Jessop Wing, including a heartbreaking spell over Christmas when hospital staff went the extra mile to make his stay special.

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Ruth said: 'My pregnancy progressed normally, but when I went to Jessops to be induced my blood pressure and heart rate were abnormally high. For this reason I had to have an emergency caesarean section.'

She added: 'Gabriel was born at a healthy weight, however he turned blue when he was three minutes old and was rushed to the Neonatal Unit (NNU), where he was put on oxygen. One of his lungs had collapsed, and he also had suspected sepsis so was put on antibiotics.

'Gabriel spent five weeks in intensive and special care. It was a difficult and extremely worrying time, but we had to keep going and keep strong for Gabriel's sake. On the day Gabriel was born I felt very overwhelmed and couldn't comprehend what had happened as I was in shock. My husband, James, and Gabriel and I are extremely lucky to have wonderful family and friends who supported us during this time. My Mum, in particular, helped enormously by visiting NNU with me every day James had to continue to work.' visit to donate to Gabriel's fund.