Brown bins recycling rate revealed

The majority of waste put in Sheffield’s brown bins is being recycledThe majority of waste put in Sheffield’s brown bins is being recycled
The majority of waste put in Sheffield’s brown bins is being recycled
The majority of waste put in Sheffield’s brown bins is being recycled, says a council chief.

Coun Lewis Dagnall, cabinet member for environment, says just under eight per cent of material collected and processed from brown bins was rejected.

Liberal Democrat councillor Tim Huggan quizzed Coun Dagnall about the EU target for 50 per cent of domestic waste to be recycled by 2020.

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He said: “Since the introduction of the reviseshefd household waste collection services last year, what proportion and tonnage of waste placed in the brown bins has been recycled? What proportion and tonnage has been sent to be incinerated or disposed of?”

Coun Dagnall replied: “Just under eight per cent of material collected and processed was rejected for recycling. Sheffield operates a process of energy recovery, not incineration.

“We have just completed a major improvement by introducing the brown bins and are finishing the introduction of recycling in flats and maisonettes across the city.

“Around one per cent of Sheffield’s waste is being sent to landfill, I would judge our waste management policies a major success.

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“Longer term we are awaiting the Government’s policy framework for waste management to be finalised, the council can then usefully consider how we can develop our policies and access necessary funding.”

The Green Party says Sheffield is behind other cities because items like yoghurt pots, carrier bags, margarine tubs, food trays and bottle tops can’t be recycled in the brown bin.