Police to name and shame drink drivers caught in South Yorkshire

Drink drivers are to be named and shamedDrink drivers are to be named and shamed
Drink drivers are to be named and shamed
Drink drivers caught over Christmas are to be named and shamed by South Yorkshire Police.

As part of the police force's annual drink driving crackdown over the festive season, motorists charged with drink driving will have their names made public on Twitter.

Police officers will be carrying out spot-checks and breathalysing motorists at the roadside.

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A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "As part of our Christmas alcohol campaign, officers will be carrying out spot-checks and increasing morning patrols throughout December. We’ll also be taking to Twitter and naming individuals charged with drink or drug driving.

"We really don’t want to see you name appearing on our Twitter feed, neither do you, or your family and friends.

"In 2014, there were still 240 deaths due to drink driving - accounting for 14 per cent of all road fatalities. By drinking and driving, you risk your life, those of your passengers and others on the road."

Sergeant Lee Beck added: “This is another tool in our campaign to stop people driving while under the influence of drink or drugs.

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"We have chosen to take this action as it highlights the very real consequences of driving whilst being over the limit and the dangers of driving the morning after. I hope this will deter anyone from risking their life and others.”