Anger as Union flag not flown on Sheffield war memorial for D-Day

The war memorial in Barker's Pool - minus a Union flag.The war memorial in Barker's Pool - minus a Union flag.
The war memorial in Barker's Pool - minus a Union flag.
Sheffield City Council has faced criticism – for not flying a Union flag on the city’s war memorial to mark D-Day.

The Barker’s Pool memorial flagpole has been empty throughout the day – while nationwide commemorations are being held to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

The massive invasion of Allied troops on the beaches of Northern France on June 6, 1944 was a vital turning point in World War Two, leading ultimately to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

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The war memorial in Barker's Pool - minus a Union flag.The war memorial in Barker's Pool - minus a Union flag.
The war memorial in Barker's Pool - minus a Union flag.
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But while the Town Hall has been flying a Union flag today, the memorial in Barker’s Pool is empty – and the decision has met with angry critcism.

Peter Hulbert wrote on Twitter: “I have just written a letter of complaint to the Sheffield City Council to point out that our cenotaph is not flying the flag on this great day.

“I sent the complaint and received a reply saying ‘thank you for your valued input to which we will duly attempt to respond within 28 working days"

“F*** off you disrespectful morons.”

Another asked: “Can someone please ask Sheffield City Council why there is no flag flying on The Cenotaph today?”

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A Twitter user called Deano? wrote: @SheffCouncil can you please explain why no Union Jack flag has been raised on the 75th anniversary of #DDay #DDay75thAnniversary #sheffield #Disgraceful.”

And another, ‘lindsy s-roper’? posted: “Sheffield city council, you should be ashamed of yourselves no flag flying #75yearsgonebutnotforgotten.”

Another posted: “Just wondering why Sheffield isn’t flying the union flag today.”

Earlier this year, the council was forced to apologise for flying the Welsh flag above the Town Hall on St Patrick’s Day – the patron saint day or Ireland.

We have contacted Sheffield City Council for comment.