Over 6,500 domestic abuse reports in Doncaster in eight months

Domestic abuse. File picture.Domestic abuse. File picture.
Domestic abuse. File picture.
Over 6,500 incidents of domestic abuse were recorded in Doncaster over an eight month period last year, a campaign to raise awareness has revealed.

Official police figures show that between April 2016 and December 2016 in Doncaster, the total number of domestic abuse incidents recorded was 6,623.

It comes as official at the Doncaster Council’s arms length housing management company St Leger Homes launched an awareness campaign to try to tackle the issue.

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The total number of domestic abuse incidents recorded by police over the period were 6,623, and the number of repeat victims numbered 2,310 The statistics show 2,160 domestic abuse crimes were committed. It is also revealed 414 cases were reviewed by MARAC - the multi-agency risk assessment conference, which looks at the most serious cases of domestic abuse.

And 172 of those were repeat cases.

Paul Tanney, chief executive of St Leger Homes, said: “Domestic abuse can take many forms and can affect people from any background. We want people across Doncaster to know how to get help, if they need it – and that is why we are talking about domestic violence this week, attempting to raise awareness and tackle any stigma that exists.

“Domestic abuse in any form is simply unacceptable – and as a local housing provider we want to let people know what support is in place to our tenants who might be worried about coming forward.

“The first step is often the hardest, but we will always do everything we can to support in this difficult situation – particularly in helping people to maintain their tenancies, where that is appropriate.”

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Andrea Parkinson, Service Manager for Riverside Care and Support at Doncaster Domestic Abuse Services, said: “It’s good news that people are raising awareness around the effects of domestic abuse in Doncaster. We see first-hand every day the effects of domestic abuse on individuals and families. We offer support and counselling to anyone facing abuse – not just through our refuge, but also through our support we provide in the community.”

Det Supt Lisa Ray, of South Yorkshire Police, said: “I want to reassure victims of domestic abuse that we are always here for you, we will listen to you and we will do everything we can to help you.

“We can meet you somewhere where you feel comfortable and safe and through our Safeguarding Adult Teams, we will do our utmost to provide you with the support and protection you need.

“After you’ve reported the abuse, our support doesn’t stop there and we work alongside a number of partner agencies to continue to provide help, so that you can move forward with your life.”

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If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or want help to change your abusive behaviour, call 0800 4701 505 from 9am to 10.30pm Monday to Friday or email [email protected]. Call police on 101. If you are at immediate risk of harm, call 999.