Thanks for great care

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
Through The Star I would like to thank all the people who came to help my wife (she has Parkinson’s) when she fell in Ecclesfield Park on January 31.

She tripped over a tree root which had caused damage to a footpath.

She banged her head causing severe cuts, bruising and swelling to her face.

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The response from the people in the park (most of whom were dog walkers) was amazing.

Three ladies in particular were particularly helpful – I didn’t get their names although I think one was called Sarah.

They phoned for an ambulance, went to the local doctors and obtained dressings and finally organised a wheelchair from the local GP in Mill Road, Ecclesfield.

The help we received from the practice was also exemplary.

Following a trip home in the ambulance and a visit from a paramedic in the evening it was decided that she didn’t need a visit to A&E.

Fortunately she is now on the mend but I would like to thank all those who showed such care. They were excellent.

Peter Thompson

Burncross, S35