Why it’s so important to be kind to yourself

Mindfulness can help with negative thoughtsMindfulness can help with negative thoughts
Mindfulness can help with negative thoughts
It’s important to remember we are living through a global pandemic which has pulled the rug from underneath many of the support structures and routines we normally live by.

For anyone, it’s a challenging and frightening time, but Covid-19 makes cancer even tougher.

If you are feeling lonely, bored, anxious, depressed or just a’ bit out of sorts’, then well done, you are demonstrating a healthy human response to a difficult situation.

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Our healthcare professionals at Weston Park Cancer Charity are here to help.

Frances Ball, Weston Park Cancer Charity senior support nurseFrances Ball, Weston Park Cancer Charity senior support nurse
Frances Ball, Weston Park Cancer Charity senior support nurse

In times of change, there is normally a period of adjustment and that’s what some of those feelings are about. We are having to process so many changes right now; guidance on shielding is changing, some consultations are now being done over the phone and treatment is being delivered in the context of coronavirus.

It’s so easy to be hard on yourself, thinking you should be stronger, more resilient and able to cope. You may be spending time dwelling on the past, thinking ‘why me’, or ‘I wish I’d gone to the GP sooner’, or you might be lying awake at night worrying about the future.

When your mind begins to spiral is when mindfulness can really help.

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Mindfulness is a simple practice which brings your attention to the here and now, allowing you to pause and reflect and step away from the whirlwind journey cancer can be.

One gentleman said: “I have found the mindfulness sessions very comforting and supportive in the present predicament.

“The exercises have enabled me to sink into a better frame of mind and encouraged a new vision of myself.”

Another person said: “I’ve been surprised how well mindfulness works using Zoom!

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“I’ve really valued the sessions, both as a space to receive guided mindfulness and to catch up on how I’m feeling and how my treatment is going.”

We can work with you to integrate mindful practice into everyday life; whether that’s a short practice you can do while waiting for an appointment, or a longer session while you go walking, or practice at home.

If you are affected by cancer and interested in joining a mindfulness course, or would like to find out more, call Weston Park Cancer Charity on 0114 553 3330.

For one in two of us, cancer will change everything. When it does, so can we.

Frances Ball is a senior support nurse at Weston Park Cancer Charity

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