We all have a part to play to avoid a future catastrophe, says Sheffield health boss

Messaging has not always been clear when it comes to coronavirus measures, says Graham MooreMessaging has not always been clear when it comes to coronavirus measures, says Graham Moore
Messaging has not always been clear when it comes to coronavirus measures, says Graham Moore
During the pandemic, we have become bombarded with procedures to follow to keep ourselves others safe and if they become our main focus detracting from enjoying life to the full.

Yes, they are very important, but when we go into a restaurant, we don’t expect to smoke and it has become ingrained and part of normal life now.

So we can follow rules that become habits, but the problem, as our able director of public health has recently highlighted, is too many changing rules are tiring us out and adding to confusion. Worse still, they lead to inconsistent compliance diluting their effectiveness.

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I think most of us are dizzy at that the regularity of changes and those who underestimate the consequences.

Imagine the cost of changing them not least in necessary signage and staff let alone wasting consumables with announcements of last minute changes.

Without an effective vaccine and let’s be realistic flu ones are by no means universally effective after years of development, we are left with hand washing, social distancing and wearing of masks where advised to do so.

These disciplines can be applied at home, work and leisure and, if so important to protect lives, backed by enforcement that is being belatedly advocated.

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The main problem it seems was that at the outset, when the dangers of the pandemic were finally recognised, we did not enforce compliance and relied on too timid advice on recommending use of face coverings etc.

This set the wrong tone and sent out too weak signals of the seriousness of the looming coronavirus pandemic.

If thousands were dying and the economy and education devastated, surely that justified tougher measures?

Yes, we are now trying to rectify that, but during the summer further mixed messages led to a weakening of discipline and problems getting testing issues resolved meant we entered autumn with rising coronavirus and more local lockdowns getting too close to comfort to Sheffield.

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With the return of students and schools reopening we have now must be concerned the winter months are going to replicate the misery of the first lockdown.

Certainly the queues at local supermarkets show that many have anticipated this.

We now must have the resolve to galvanise a major effort to prevent a major crisis developing with more deaths and the potential to overwhelm front line resources.

Everyone has the capability to make a difference by hand washing , social distancing and wearing masks which fortunately seem more frequently used now.

It is not time to blame others all have a part to play to avoid a catastrophe.

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