It's going to take so much more than a knee... thoughts on George Floyd and equality

A mural in America in tribute to murdered George Floyd.A mural in America in tribute to murdered George Floyd.
A mural in America in tribute to murdered George Floyd.
Last night, I watched as the jury decided whether the Minneapolis PD Officer Derek Chauvin was guilty or not.

The judge wasted no time in delivering the verdict, Chauvin was guilty on all counts. My phone began to buzz, messages from friends ecstatic. But there I sat, numb, hollow… I should have been delighted. Finally justice… but it didn’t feel like justice. It was as if I was finally able to exhale that long held breath, like so many other black people around the world. We waited for this and now we had it, I couldn’t feel a thing.

I should be happy, yet I stayed. Contemplating. Considering the effect this would have, if any at all. Flicking through the channels much of the focus was on the collapse of The (unwanted) Super League.

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Two HUGE things happened, except the one with the most media focus was about money that may or may not go into already lavishly rich people’s pockets and less so on the unused cheque in the pocket of a man who happened to be a black man, a father, who perished with a knee on the back of his neck for 8 minutes 46 seconds, a man who wouldn’t ever know that this time the justice system had sided... with him. Finally justice! If you can call it that.

Leeds United’s striker, Patrick Bamford, nailed it, "It is amazing the uproar and it is a shame it isn't like this with other things, like racism.” He’s right. It wasn’t justice, there’s so much more to do…