Nick Clegg dubs Sheffield tree felling policy a '˜national scandal'

Picture shows Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, posting his ballot for the 2015 General Election in his Sheffield Hallam Constituency. Ian Hinchliffe/ shows Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, posting his ballot for the 2015 General Election in his Sheffield Hallam Constituency. Ian Hinchliffe/
Picture shows Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, posting his ballot for the 2015 General Election in his Sheffield Hallam Constituency. Ian Hinchliffe/
MP Nick Clegg has branded Sheffield Council's tree '¨felling policy as '˜reckless' and a '˜national scandal'.

Following a High Court injunction brought against the council by Sheffield residents to pause the axe, Mr Clegg has asked the authority to admit they got it wrong.

Mr Clegg also challenges the authority to show the working behind their ‘bizarre claims’ that it would cost £26million to stop tree felling.

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In an email to Council Leader Julie Dore, Mr Clegg said: “When I helped to secure the £1.2billion of Government money to fix Sheffield’s roads, no one expected that money to be used by Sheffield Council to chop down hundreds of healthy mature roadside trees against the wishes of the public.

“This project was meant to be good news for Sheffield but under your watch this has become a national scandal.”

He added: “It has taken a High Court injunction brought by Sheffield residents to force the Council to stop and think about its actions.

“Now you plan to waste a considerable amount of tax payer’s money in fighting this injunction when this could have been completely avoided had you simply listened to the people of Sheffield in the first place.

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On the £26m figure, Mr Clegg said: “I am asking that you publish a breakdown of this information and explain to the people of Sheffield how on earth it is possible that 200 trees will each cost up to £100,000.” He added the council would have to admit misleading the public if they cannot show their workings.