Missing Sheffield girl seen in Meadowhall, but concern growing for her wellbeing

Pamela Horvathova, aged 16, who has been missing from Sheffield for three weeksPamela Horvathova, aged 16, who has been missing from Sheffield for three weeks
Pamela Horvathova, aged 16, who has been missing from Sheffield for three weeks
A Sheffield girl who has been missing for three weeks was recently spotted in Meadowhall, police said, as they renewed their appeal.

Pamela Horvathova, aged 16, was last seen on Friday, December 21 in the Staniforth Road area of Sheffield and was reported missing on Christmas Eve.

Concern for her wellbeing continues to mount with every passing day, despite several reported sightings, police said today as they issued a fresh appeal for information.

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Pamela Horvathova, aged 16, who has been missing from Sheffield for three weeksPamela Horvathova, aged 16, who has been missing from Sheffield for three weeks
Pamela Horvathova, aged 16, who has been missing from Sheffield for three weeks
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Sheffield teenager still missing - after nearly three weeks

Despite extensive searches and repeated public information, police have been unable to locate Pamela to ensure she is safe and well.

Despite extensive searches and repeated public appeals, Pamela remains missing and police have been unable to locate her to ensure she is safe and well.

Their latest appeal for information included a Slovakian translation, which The Star has copied below.

Detective Chief Inspector Lee Berry, who is overseeing the search, said: 'In our most recent update to the public, we confirmed that we had been following up several reported sightings of Pamela in Sheffield.

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'One of the most recent sightings we've had of Pamela was at Meadowhall. We're very grateful to everyone who has come forward to provide information to help our inquiry, especially those who have reported sightings of her.

'Based on these sightings, we maintain our belief that Pamela is in Sheffield and is in the company of others. However, it is now three weeks since she left her home. Naturally, concerns are increasing with each passing day she fails to make contact.

'In my last appeal, I urged those who knew Pamela and those who may know where she's staying to get in touch. I want to reiterate that appeal again today '“ Pamela is 16, still a child, and it's of vital importance our officers find her so we can make sure she's alright.

'Based on the information we have gathered to date during this investigation, we do have concerns that Pamela could be at risk, especially because of her young age and the complete lack of contact we've had.

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'While we do believe the sightings of Pamela are genuine and appear to indicate she's not been harmed, the only way we can know that for sure is to locate her and speak to her directly.

'Pamela, if you're reading this '“ please get in touch with officers. You're not in trouble, your family and our officers are concerned about you, and we just want to make sure you're okay.'

Anyone with information is asked to contact police urgently on 101, quoting incident number 941 of December 24.


Policajná výzva pri hladaní slovenskej tínedžerky z mesta Sheffield, Velká Británia.

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Anglická polícia v meste Sheffield vydala nové vyhlásenie, kde sa obracajú na verejnost so žiadostou o informácie od svedkov ohladom pohrešovanej 16-rocnej dievciny menom Pamela Horváthová, ktorú naposledy videli pred troma týždnami.

Pamela bola naposledy videná v piatok 21. decembra v oblasti Staniforth Road, Sheffield a nahlásená na políciu ako nezvestná v pondelok 24. decembra.

Napriek širokému pátraniu a opakovaných, verejných výzvach o informácie, Pamela je nadalej nezvestná a polícii sa nepodarilo ju ani nájst, ani sa postarat o jej bezpecnost ci blahobyt.

Detektív Chief Inšpektor Lee Berry, ktorý je za vyšetrovanie prípadu Pamela zodpovedný, povedal:

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'Pri podávaní najnovších informácií verejnosti sme potvrdili, že sme nasledovali niekolko hlášok, kde bola vraj Pamela zahliadnutá na rozlicných miestach v mete Sheffield.

'Jedno z posledných miest, kde bola Pamela videná, je nákupné stredisko Meadowhall.

Sme vdacní každému, kto podal polícii akékolvek nápomocné informácie ohladom tohto prípadu nezvestnej Pamely, hlavne tým, ktorí nahlásili miesta, kde ju videli.

'Na základe týchto hlášok, sa domievame, že Pamela je v Sheffielde a je v spolocnosti iných ludí. Napriek tomu ale prešli tri týždne odkedy odišla z domu. Prirodzene naše obavy o nu sa zvyšujú každým dnom, ktorý uplynie bez toho aby rodinu alebo niekoho kontaktovala.

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'Naposledy sme urgovali tých, co poznajú Pamelu aj tých, co možno vedia, kde prebýva, aby sa skontaktovali s políciou. Znovu zvýraznujeme túto výzvu aj dnes '“ Pamela má 16 rokov, je eÅ¡te stále dieta, a je to nesmierne dôležité aby ju polícia naÅ¡la a ubezpecila sa, že je v poriadku

'Na základe informácií, ktoré sme pocas tohto vyšetrovania doteraz zhromaždili, máme obavy, že Pamele hrozí nebezpecenstvo, hlavne kvôli jej maloletosti a z dôvodu, že nedošlo k žiadnemu, úspešnému kontaktu.

'Aj ked sa domievame, že hlášky o Pamele podané polícii sú pravdivé a poukazujú na to, že jej nebolo ublížené, jediný spôsob ako to môžme potvrdit, je ju lokalizovat a hovorit s nou osobne.

'Pamela, ak to cítaÅ¡ práve ty '“ prosíme ta aby si sa spojila s políciou. Nemáš sa coho bát, tvoja rodina a polícia sa o teba obávajú a chceme sa len ubezpecit, že si v poriadku.'

Polícia urguje verejnost, aby ste nás kontaktovali s akoukolvek informáciou alebo volali urýchlene na telefónne císlo 101 a udajte jje meno alebo referencné císlo 941 - 24 December.

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