Man denies raping girl, 15, allegedly pimped out by Sheffield child sex ring leader

Amanda Spencer (left), 25, allegedly pimped out Girl A to Taleb Bapir, 38, who is accused of raping her at his property in Vernon Street, Neepsend when she refused to have sex with himAmanda Spencer (left), 25, allegedly pimped out Girl A to Taleb Bapir, 38, who is accused of raping her at his property in Vernon Street, Neepsend when she refused to have sex with him
Amanda Spencer (left), 25, allegedly pimped out Girl A to Taleb Bapir, 38, who is accused of raping her at his property in Vernon Street, Neepsend when she refused to have sex with him
A man accused of raping a 15-year-old girl allegedly pimped out to him by a Sheffield child sex ring leader has denied ever meeting either party.

It is alleged that Amanda Spencer, previously of Canklow Road, Rotheram, took Girl A to the home of Taleb Bapir, aged 38, in Verdon Street, Neepsend between 2009 and 2010.

During the incident Girl A, who ended contact with Spencer just before her 16th birthday, says she was plied with alcohol, before Bapir took her to his bedroom where she told him she did not want to have sex with him.

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Bapir allegedly raped her anyway and covered her mouth when she tried to scream.

The following morning Girl A says she saw Bapir pay Spencer, 25, who is accused of playing a 'major' role in a Sheffield child prostitution ring, a #wad of notes' to the value of £60.

Sheffield Crown Court heard how during a police interview with Bapir on April 17, 2015 he told officers that he had never met Spencer or Girl A, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

Bapir said he allowed a couple of Kurdish friends, who he no longer associates with due to them being 'trouble', to use the flat and said it is possible that Spencer and Girl A may have visited the flat with them - but not whilst he was present.

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“I don’t know her. I have heard people say Girl A’s name at the Kurdish tea room but I have never met her,” said Bapir.

He added: "I have never, ever paid money for sex.

"I have never met Amanda Spencer."

Girl A told police Bapir as used a walking stick and having a ‘big shoe’ - by which prosecutor Peter Hampton has previously told the court she means an orthopedic shoe.

The court was told that Bapir sustained severe damage to his left leg while in the army in his native Kurdistan in 1991.

Bapir, who currently wears an orthopedic shoe, told police that he only began to use a walking stick for his leg after 2010, after suffering an infection in the leg which caused additional problems with his mobility.

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Girl A alleges that between 2009 and 2010 she was taken to the houses of around 50 men by Amanda all of whom she was forced to engage in sexual activity with.

Spencer and Bapir are among six defendants on trial for 42 offences, relating to child prostitution alleged to have taken place in Sheffield between 2005 and 2012.

The defendants deny all charges.

The trial continues.

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