'I have no problem at all with cyclists, (except for the increasing minority who cycle on the pavements).'

CycleSheffield will hold a demonstration calling for more space for safe cycling in the city.CycleSheffield will hold a demonstration calling for more space for safe cycling in the city.
CycleSheffield will hold a demonstration calling for more space for safe cycling in the city.
I am grateful to Dr Charles Heatley for pointing out that Space for Cycling was the event for which much of the city centre was closed on Wednesday July 18.

That certainly sounds a worthy cause, although I’m at a loss to understand how closing roads to traffic can help cyclists to learn how to be safe in traffic, nor why the safety training could not be done on a Sunday.

My concern about the closures was not for motorists but for the many pedestrians I saw struggling through barriers and having to go well out of their way because of bus diversions and suspended bus stops, hardly ideal for older people and those with limited mobility.

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I have no problem at all with cyclists, (except for the increasing minority who cycle on the pavements).

Indeed, I was most alarmed to read that Dr Heatley himself does not feel safe cycling on our roads because of the behaviour of motorists.

I think he may agree with me that it is high time to impose some meaningful restrictions on the number of cars allowed into the city centre.

Tony Clark

Sheffield, S17

Confusion and chaos

For many, discussions of how the financial services sector is likely to be hit by a bad Brexit deal may sound like a very London-centric problem, but a new report by the Centre for Cities shows this to be far from the case.

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The report shows that in 2017, up to 7.3% of all jobs in Sheffield were in financial services. Much of the trade these services do is with the EU, and a poor Brexit deal will put these jobs at risk; far from affecting just London, a Brexit deal that doesn’t include frictionless access to the EU market for financial services will impact us all.

That’s why the Liberal Democrats are committed to giving the people – not politicians – the final say on the Brexit deal, including the option to remain in the EU. Everyone can see the Conservatives are making a mess of Brexit, and Jeremy Corbyn is helping to deliver it. It is taking longer than we thought; costing more than we thought; it’s more complicated than we thought. In all this confusion and chaos, what else don’t we know?

Tom Brake MP

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Exiting the European Union

Unsurpassed disaster

Well it looks as though I may have got it wrong in assuming that Howard Greaves and the Hallamshire Historic society have not championed the retention of the Markets area in the traditional trading places.

For that Howard I apologise unreservedly as it seems as that the blame may lay among others who find rubble more interesting than living breathing every day history.

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Although I disagree with Howard’s comments on the architectural merits of the now murdered Castle Market, as that building’s interior was a perfect example of 1950s 1960s design with the lovely terrazzo floors, stairs and passage ways. This, along with the tiling areas and sculptured hardwood handrails make the new shopping mall, or Moor Market, depending on how you look at it seem like an expensive (sixty years loan) Nissan Hut.

So once again sorry Howard as it seems as though we both agree that the loss of that area is a disaster unsurpassed in Town Planning.

Judd Newton

Sheffield, S35

Absolutely right

I have to fully agree with Linda Mary Luke who was brought up on the Wybourn estate but now lives in Germany.

She has got it absolutely right.

I wasn’t brought up there but went to school with girls from the area and everybody worked hard and looked out for one another.

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Now that Sheffield is a City of Sanctuary, thanks to David Blunkett and his cronies, the city is full of drug dealers, muggers and many other criminals and it will only get worse.

I wonder what Linda thinks of the Lord Mayor!

Brenda Titterton


Anti-Jewish sentiments

A lot has been said recently about anti-Jewish sentiment in the Labour Party and elsewhere.

I feel that all of this is unjustified.

Jesus never renounced his Jewish background, asserting that he didn’t come to destroy the law but to fulfil it.

Even though the Jews rejected him, Jesus never stopped loving them.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

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Would Jesus have approved of hatred towards the Jewish community?

Surely not.

I say this as someone who has no religious affiliation.

John C Fowler

Leverton Gardens, S11

The price of popcorn

My lad loves going to the pictures, the new one in town is very swanky and we have been a lot, but I find the pricing for the popcorn and drinks very high.

Yes I know, don’t buy them if you think they are dear but it’s all part of the experience isn’t it?

When I were a lass back in the olden days when you went on the rare occasion to see a new film you could hear the very discreet opening of the cans of pop, the crinkling of the crisp packets, then shush from your mum as she didn’t want people to know that you had brought contraband inside.

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Not now though this week in the flicks all around was various can rings being pulled, family sized crisps being opened, rustlings from all sorts of bags of treats, it’s no wonder when a drink and popcorn will set you back nearly nine quid. It’s cheaper to buy the dvd these days than take a family to the cinema.

Jayne Grayson

Sheffield, S35

Problem solved

There is only one way to stop people smoking in bus and tram shelters, that is remove the shelters, problem solved.

EB Warris

Sheffield, S14