Hallam FM’s Schools Challenge raises over £46,000 in funding for Sheffield schools

thurlstone pupils cash for kids school challengethurlstone pupils cash for kids school challenge
thurlstone pupils cash for kids school challenge
A project led by The Star and Hallam FM’s Cash for Kids has raised huge amounts for Sheffield schools.

The Star reported that schools in Sheffield and South Yorkshire are among the worst funded in the UK and launched a petition demanding action from the Government.

Since then more than 8,000 people have got behind the campaign, including Hallam FM’s Cash for Kids.

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castle academy cash for kids school challengecastle academy cash for kids school challenge
castle academy cash for kids school challenge

Nine schools in South Yorkshire took part in the charity’s Schools Challenge to create much needed funding.

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Between them £46,873.89 was raised which was all given back to the schools. 

Allan Ogle, charity manager for Cash for Kids, which funded the Schools Challenge said: “We are excited at the impact the funds raised will have on our local schools.

“It also raises an important issue of just how much support our schools need to thrive and I’m so pleased the grants will be used to fund some incredible projects to help our children reach their full potential.

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"Thank you to everyone that got involved with the fundraising.”

Thurlstone Primary, first place winner was granted an extra £5,000 on top of what the school’s pupils raised.

Headteacher Charlotte Gibbins said: “The whole school community is really excited to have won the School Challenge.

“We are all humbled by the support we’ve received from the local community and parent body and can’t thank them enough for getting behind the school.

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“The money we’ve won will have a huge impact and we can’t wait to spend it.”

Second to sixth place schools all received an additional £1,000.

The challenge targeted schools which struggle to fund projects and activities due to a lack of resources and equipment.

Pupils developed skills in fundraising, sustainability and community values throughout whilst taking matters into their own hands and supporting their own education.

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Greenhill Primary came second in the competition and was granted £8,489.26. 

The pupils made cakes, biscuits and Christmas cards to sell at the school’s Christmas fayre, held two discos and took part in a carol event. 

The school’s business support manager Carla Weaving said: “It would not have been possible to raise such an incredible sum of money and come runners up in the overall competition without the wonderful support from Friends Of Greenhill School, our dedicated PTA committee and volunteers or our wonderful staff, children and families.

“Thank you everyone for your contributions.

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“It was a real celebration having Cash For Kids come into our assembly in early January to announce the results, our children were so excited when the total was revealed on a giant cheque and they deserve it.”

To sign the petition visit the petition page.