Girlguiding Sheffield seeks new leaders

GIRLGUIDING SHEFFIELD  Chief Guide Liz Burnley(centre) with l/r: brownie Zoe Newbould, guide Lily Frascina, rainbow Ester Evans-Mudie and brownie Jasmine Evans-Mudie pictured outside the new Girlguiding Sheffield HQ.   19 September 2010GIRLGUIDING SHEFFIELD  Chief Guide Liz Burnley(centre) with l/r: brownie Zoe Newbould, guide Lily Frascina, rainbow Ester Evans-Mudie and brownie Jasmine Evans-Mudie pictured outside the new Girlguiding Sheffield HQ.   19 September 2010
GIRLGUIDING SHEFFIELD Chief Guide Liz Burnley(centre) with l/r: brownie Zoe Newbould, guide Lily Frascina, rainbow Ester Evans-Mudie and brownie Jasmine Evans-Mudie pictured outside the new Girlguiding Sheffield HQ. 19 September 2010
Girlguiding Sheffield is looking for adults to take part in its five-week challenge which kicks off at the end of the month.

The group is looking for new leaders to join its ranks and help guide the hundreds of girls across the city currently waiting to join the Rainbow, Brownies and Guide units.

The five-week new year challenge allows adults interested in volunteering to spend five weeks meeting other leaders and voluteers, finding out more about what the group does and how they can get involved. There will then be the opportunity for each potential volunteer to visit a unit and meet some of the girls and other leaders, before joining in with some of the activities and even taking lead on some of them, to give them a feel for what would be expected of them. At the end of the five-week challenge, each potential volunteer can feed their thoughts back to the group and decide whether they’d like to continue on the path to becoming a group leader.

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A spokesman for the group said: “As an adult leader, you will be helping girls to develop skills, learn about themselves, support the community and, above all, have fun.

“You don’t need to have any specific skills or experience, just a spare hour or two each week and lots of enthusiasm.

“With this five week challenge, we aren’t asking you to make a commitment, just to come along and ‘give it a go’ and then, if you enjoy volunteering with us, hopefully you will choose to continue.”

Visit to register your interest or attend a meeting at Guide House, 41 Townend Street in Sheffield, on January 21 from 10am to 12 noon.