Food for thought: Simon R Christoffersen

Danish chef Simon R Christoffersen and his partner Katrine Krog Petersen have moved to Sheffield, and want to spread the message of hygge with their website

Are you a cook?

Yes I am a cook, educated in Denmark and Florence.

Any cooking tips?

Remember to season everything. Salt, pepper, sugar and acid are your best friends, learn to control them and you will cook amazing food.

What is your favourite dish?

Ceviche - simple fresh and healthy. And when no one hears it I love homemade Nutella andtoasted white bread!

And a drink to go with it?

White wine, such as a Californian chardonnay.

Your favourite Sheffield restaurant?

Proove in Broomhill. Nice and simple

What’s the worst meal you’ve ever eaten?

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In the army when we was not allowed to heat our food, and had to eat canned cold food. (I snuck away and buried mine)

And the best?

My grandmother’s roasted pork.

Your favourite TV chef?

Gordon Ramsay

What do you think of Sheffield as a place to eat out?

There is a tendency towards mediocrity, that people will be satisfied as long as they get a mountain of food.