Floral tributes left on Sheffield street for trees axed in 'dawn raid'

Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.
Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.
Floral tributes have sprung up on a Sheffield street in memory of eight 'beloved' trees axed in a 'dawn raid'.

Residents on Rustlings Road, Endcliffe, have displayed floral and written tributes on railings near to the scene of the felling last Thursday.

One tribute read: "In loving memory of these deeply beloved trees, of their magical whispherings with the breeze. Alas they were slain by the senseless blind."

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Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.
Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.

The poster read: "At 5am on November 17, law-abiding residents on a quiet street were woken up by police officers and ordered to move their cars. When they refused to comply, they were arrested. Are we talking about some distant reaches of Russia or China? No. this is the 21st Century Labour Council of Sheffield, acting at the behest of a multinational company, Amey."

It added: "Sheffield City Council is using the South Yorkshire Police Force to impose the will of a private company and we cannot tolerate this."

The poster, titled 'How Dare They?' gave contact details for South Yorkshire Police, Julie Dore, leader of Sheffield Council, John Mothersole, chief executive, among others.

In the wake of last Thursday, campaigners are to stage a peaceful protest in Endcliffe Park, Ecclesall, on Saturday from 12-noon.

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Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.
Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.

Dave Dillner, spokesman for Sheffield tree Action Group, STAG, said: "This is a family fun day to celebrate the joy given by the 8 trees felled for profit on Rustlings Road last week and to mourn the loss.

"There will be speakers, activities, Sheffield personalities and more in attendance. This is just about getting our message out there."

For more information on the fun day, or the campaign, email: sheffieldtreesactiongroup@yahoo.co.uk

In other news:

Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.
Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.

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Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.
Floral tributes have sprung up in memory of eight trees. Photo: Chris Etchells.