Doncaster care home rated as '˜good'

A Doncaster nursing home has received a '˜good' rating from the Care Quality Commission.

Quarryfields Health Care Limited, Woodfield Road, Balby, was awarded the second highest rating when inspectors visited on March 15.

The care home, which did not receive warning of the visit, was given the rating in all areas, including effectiveness, leadership and safety. It was just one of 98 homes across the north of England to be inspected in recent weeks.

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Quarryfields is a purpose-built home which can accommodate up to 24 people with a learning disability or autistic spectrum disorder, who require nursing care.

Inspectors found experienced staff delivered a good service to people.

The report said: “People we spoke with told us they felt safe in the home.

“Staff encouraged people to be as independent as possible while taking into consideration their wishes and any risks associated with their care. People’s comments, and our observations, indicated people using the service received appropriate support from staff who knew them well.

“People told us their health needs were met.

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“For instance, they said staff supported them to access their GP, dentist, optician and medical consultants when necessary. People’s wellbeing had also been monitored regularly.

“The home had a relaxed and homely atmosphere with lots of friendly, appropriate banter between staff and people using the service.

“People spoke positively about the care and support staff provided, and told us staff were caring and respectful

“People received care that was tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

“Records reflected people’s needs and preferences so staff had clear guidance about how to support them.”