Dangerous sex offender raped South Yorkshire girl under five years old

Andrew WelshAndrew Welsh
Andrew Welsh
This is the child rapist jailed this week for sickening sex attacks on three young girls in South Yorkshire.

Andrew Welsh, aged 30, of Poplar Terrace, Royston, Barnsley, was locked up for 17 years for a string of sex attacks, including raping two of the youngsters, between 2000 and 2009.

The girls were all under eight years old, with one of the rape victims aged between two and five at the time of the attacks.

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He has been branded 'dangerous' by South Yorkshire Police and placed on the Sex Offenders' Register indefinitely.

Welsh will also be made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order upon his release, which will restrict his movements and who he can associate with in a bid to protect members of the public.

Welsh was convicted of eight counts of rape and sexual assaults of three girls after a trial.

His victims had to endure giving evidence at court.

Detectives praised them for their bravery afterwards.

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