Dancewear firm drives online sales with superfast connection

Dancer Ebony-Jayne Kitts, Ed Miliband MP, Natalie Ward, of SFSY, Dan Hodgson, Martin Owens and Joe HodgsonDancer Ebony-Jayne Kitts, Ed Miliband MP, Natalie Ward, of SFSY, Dan Hodgson, Martin Owens and Joe Hodgson
Dancer Ebony-Jayne Kitts, Ed Miliband MP, Natalie Ward, of SFSY, Dan Hodgson, Martin Owens and Joe Hodgson
Doncaster retailer DanceETC boosted sales and recruited a staff member after the company connected up to fibre broadband, thanks to the Superfast South Yorkshire programme.

DanceETC, one of the largest dancewear retailers in the UK, says superfast broadband has transformed the business – enabling it to expand and compete in new markets.

Ed Miliband, MP for Doncaster North, visited to see the transformation firsthand.

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He said: “Superfast broadband is an important tool for businesses, and for households. Better, easier access to it will help boost the economy, not just here in my constituency, but right across Doncaster, and the rest of the country.”

Founder Dan Hodgson said: “Having fibre has given the business a new lease of life. We’ve now been able to start properly building our online business. The website is our virtual shop window to the world – it is where everything should be driven from.”.

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