Thief stole ornament and handbag from two stores in Ripley

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court. | Johnston Press Resell
A thief who has been struggling to overcome a heroin drug addiction has admitted stealing an ornament and a handbag.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on November 20 how Lisa Chung, 40, of Argyll Road, Ripley, stole an angel ornament from Spirit Earth, at Ripley, and stole a handbag from WE Clarke’s store, on Grosvenor Road, at Ripley.

Prosecuting solicitor Anthony Cheung said the defendant entered Spirit Earth and stole the ornament and on the same day she went on to steal a handbag from WE Clarke’s.

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Chung pleaded guilty to the two thefts which were committed on June 22.

The court also heard that the thefts were committed during the operational period of a conditional discharge which had been imposed for a previous theft.

Defence solicitor John Last said Chung has suffered severe mental health issues and she has been addressing the root causes of her behaviour which have revolved around a heroin addiction.

Mr Last added that Chung has been awarded funding to go into rehabilitation and she plans to keep away from a peer group in Ripley which has posed a negative influence.

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Magistrates briefly adjourned the case to consider a probation report before sentencing Chung to a 12 month community order with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. He must also pay a £120 compensation.