Rotherham murder investigation – house-to-house enquiries take place after detailed search is completed

Alena Grlakova.Alena Grlakova.
Alena Grlakova.
Officers investigating the murder of Alena Grlakova have finished their detailed search of the area where her body was found and have begun house-to-house enquiries.

Alena, 38, was reported missing in January this year, with the last confirmed sighting officers have of her is as she left the Fitzwilliam Arms Hotel on Taylors Lane at around 10.30pm on Boxing Day 2018.

On Monday 8 April, officers revisiting that area as part of ongoing searches found her body in a partially dried-out streambed in land just off Taylors Lane where her body was found naked and concealed.

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Alena Grlakova.Alena Grlakova.
Alena Grlakova.

Specialist officers have carried out detailed forensic work in the area, which has now concluded and the cordon has today been removed.

Officers were this afternoon in the Parkgate area handing out posters and speaking to residents, while PCSOs carried out house-to-house enquiries.

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Oughton, the Senior Investigating Officer, said: “I’d like to thank everyone who has come forward with information so far; we are getting some positive calls in to the incident room and I’d encourage people to keep contacting us.

“Many people have said they regularly walk their dogs in that area or that they live nearby. If you haven’t yet spoken to an officer, please do get in touch with us. We remain keen to speak to anyone who may have seen someone acting suspiciously in the area between Boxing Day 2018 to Monday 8 April.

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“Our appeal to trace the clothing Alena was last seen wearing also continues and these items may have been discarded in the local area. She was last seen wearing a thin black sweatshirt with ‘Little Black Sweat’ written on it in white, black tracksuit bottoms with white stripes down the side and black flip-flops. She was also wearing clip-in hair extensions.

“We are also still looking to trace the man Alena was seen walking with on Scrooby Lane, towards Mangham Road, at around 8.30pm on Boxing Day 2018.

“We have a dedicated team working tirelessly to find out exactly what happened to Alena and to provide answers for her family and we are continuing to make progress. Further tests are ongoing to determine exactly how Alena died.

“As I’m sure you can appreciate, for operational reasons there is some detail we are unable to share with you but we will endeavour to keep you as updated as we can. Please do speak to us if you have any information, or concerns within the area.”

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T/Superintendent Iain Chorlton from Rotherham, said: “I fully appreciate the concerns that members of the community may have but please be reassured that this investigation is a priority for the force.

“Our neighbourhood teams continue to liaise closely with the local community, in addition to members of the Slovakian community. As always, please do speak to a member of your local neighbourhood team if you have any concerns.”

If you have any information relating to the death of Alena Grlakova you can either call 101 quoting incident number 543 of 8 April 2019, pass information to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, call the incident room directly on 01709 443540 or report information via the UK Police Major Incident Public Reporting Site at