Police issue CCTV images of men wanted over £10,000 Sheffield metal theft

Do you recognise the men in these images?Do you recognise the men in these images?
Do you recognise the men in these images?
Police have issued CCTV images of men they would like to question after more than £10,000 worth of metal was stolen in Sheffield.

Officers are asking for help in tracing the alloy metal - stolen from a business on Bessemer Road - and also identifying the men pictured.

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South Yorkshire Police say that on Saturday 20 April at about 2.30pm, three men gained access to a business premise through the roller shutter door.

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It is believed that the men used a pallet truck to remove five pallets worth of nickel alloy metal, valued at over £10,000.

The men are then reported to have left the scene in a white Transit van, in the direction of Birch Road.

Officers want to hear from anyone who has been offered the metal for sale, or who recognises the men in the CCTV images.

“The men pictured could hold important information in relation to the investigation,” said a South Yorkshire Police spokesman.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101 quoting incident number 597 of 20 April 2019 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.