Charity begins at home

Homeless sleeping roughHomeless sleeping rough
Homeless sleeping rough
The day before Christmas Eve I went to my bank in High Street.

When I turned the corner from the old TJ Hughes shop I was shocked to see a young man lying on the pavement, on cardboard in a sleeping bag. It was 9am and a lot of people were passing him.

I bought him a coffee and a sandwich and had a conversation with him and he told me he had been living on the streets for nearly two years.

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On entering my bank I was told by the cashier two homeless men slept behind the bank every night.

The same day I hear of refugees, coming to this city and being given somewhere furnishedto live. I was so angry, were we the citizens asked if we wanted this City of Sanctuary? Everyone I’ve asked didn’t?

No-one who comes here should be given any special housing at all for five years at least, or benefits.

The city of sanctuary title should be removed – charity begins at home.

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