Celebrate the natural world, life and works of iconic Wilhelmina Barns-Graham

Wilhelmina Barns-exhibitionWilhelmina Barns-exhibition
Wilhelmina Barns-exhibition
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham was one of the foremost British artists of the 20th century, and this December, her gift for capturing the spirit of the world's wildest landscapes is set to be celebrated at Sheffield's Graves Gallery.

The exhibition, entitled '˜Sea, Rock, Earth and Ice' opened in the city gallery last weekend, bringing together four decades of Barns-Graham's remarkable work. Wilhelmina, known as Willie, was born in Fife in 1912. Even as a child, she was determined to become an artist, enrolling at Edinburgh College of Art in 1931. Following graduation, Barns-Graham began to immerse herself in the geography surrounding her, an approach that would come to shape her entire career as she travelled to Switzerland, Italy, Paris, and Spain. The 35 paintings and drawings featured in the exhibition bear testament to her passion for the natural world. This free exhibition runs until March 2019.

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