Bogus official targeted 90-year-old Rotherham woman

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Do you know this man?
A search is underway for a bogus official who targeted a 90-year-old Rotherham woman.

He called at the woman's home in Doe Quarry Lane, Dinnington, claiming to be from the water board.

The man was allowed into the house to check the OAP's water supply and went upstairs on his own.

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It is not believed that anything was stolen during the incident at 2.20pm on Monday, September 11 but detectives have released CCTV images of a man they want to trace.

PC Mark Gaffney said: “Thankfully on this occasion nothing was taken from the woman’s house but this individual’s behaviour is concerning and caused some distress to this elderly resident.

“We’re keen to identify the man pictured in the CCTV images as we believe he could hold vital information.

“If you’re ever concerned about the identity of someone at your door, always ask to see some ID and don’t hesitate to close and lock your door while you call the water board, or whatever company they’re claiming to be from, to double check.

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“A legitimate caller will not be offended at you taking these extra steps to ensure your safety before you let someone into your property.

“It may also be worth sharing this advice with your elderly relatives, friends and neighbours and reporting any suspicious activity to police.”

Anyone with information should call South Yorkshire Police on 101.