Battle of Orgreave inquiry a '˜priority' if Labour get into power

Diane Abbott speaks during the Labour Party's annual conference at the Arena and Convention Centre (ACC), in Liverpool. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA WireDiane Abbott speaks during the Labour Party's annual conference at the Arena and Convention Centre (ACC), in Liverpool. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire
Diane Abbott speaks during the Labour Party's annual conference at the Arena and Convention Centre (ACC), in Liverpool. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire
Labour will order a public inquiry into the so-called Battle of Orgreave, if the party wins the next General Election.

The Government has already ruled out an investigation into clashes between police officers and striking miners during the 1984 miners' strike.

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Speaking at Labour's annual conference in Liverpool, shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said an inquriy would be a '˜priority' if the party forms the next government.

She said: 'We want justice.

"We'll have open inquiries into Orgreave and into the blacklisting of trade unionists."